Skippy is in Schools Near You!

Skippy’s mission is to provide children ages 0-18 with school-based, oral health services while reducing the time spent away from the classroom. Parents can enroll their children for services through this electronic consent form. These services include: cleaning, exam, fluoride treatment, protective sealants, interim temporary restorations, hygiene education, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and fillings. For children in need of restorative care, our dentist will come back to the schools after the initial visit to ensure children have the option to completely fix the fillings if they are unable to do so at a local dentist.

This school year, we will be offering Skippy+ clinics at schools in San Miguel, Ouray, West Montrose, and Delta counties. The children enrolled in Skippy+ are seen twice a year in the schools, once in the fall and spring. If children have dental insurance, Skippy+ will bill the insurance company for dental services the same way a dental clinic would, but the parent is not billed for any outstanding expenses. If a child does not have dental coverage, they are still able to receive the same quality services without any added expense. 

Since 2008, TCHNetwork has partnered with regional schools to provide more than 7,000 cavity prevention treatments to local children. For children who routinely attend Skippy+, we have been able to reduce and keep the percentage of children with untreated decay to 20%, 9% below the national average.  Over the next few months, TCHNetwork hopes to expand services to senior populations and possibly Medicaid adults. We strongly believe that rural populations should not be excluded from routine, quality dental care regardless of their insurance status or where they live. Skippy+ is a way to diminish the oral health disparities within our region by expanding and connecting individuals to affordable, local dental services.

To learn more about our Portable dental program or enroll your child in Skippy+ for this semester please call 970-708-796, email or complete the online enrollment form

-Erich Lange, Community Programs Manager at TCHNetwork

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