safeTALK is a three and a half hour face-to-face workshop featuring powerful presentations, audiovisuals, and skills practice surrounding suicide alertness. Community members learn how to prevent suicide by recognizing signs, engaging someone, and connecting them to an intervention resource for further support. TCHNetwork’s supportive trainers guide the class through the course, and a community resource is on hand to support safety and comfort.
Participants Say…
“This community needs more people willing to talk about this [suicide] on all age levels and demographics”
“[This class] has definitely has given me the tools to recognize red flags and know when to take time to listen and question more.”
“This was such a wonderful training. I feel equipped with the language and dialect needed to approach and receive a conversation around suicide.”
“This training is so important. So many are walking around with thoughts of suicide. It is very important to know how to help someone.”
Upcoming Courses
We regularly schedule courses throughout the year in Ouray, Montrose, San Miguel and Delta counties. To schedule a class for your club, school, hospital, or organization, email us at
To participate in a class in your community, register below.
REGISTER HERECrisis Resources
If you are experiencing a crisis, please call 911 or contact one of the following crisis lines:
- San Miguel County Sheriff Dispatch: 728-1911
- Colorado Crisis Services, a statewide hotline: 844-493-TALK (8255)
- Colorado Crisis Services Text Line: text TALK to 38255
- Axis Health 24 hour support line: 1-970-252-6220
For a list of additional crisis resources, click here.