September, a month of transition and coexistence, appropriately symbolizes Suicide Prevention Awareness. As nature showcases its contrasting beauty with green and orange hues, we also go through a spectrum of emotions, often simultaneously. Life isn’t merely divided into happiness or sadness, fear or courage, nervousness or hope. We can experience all these emotions simultaneously and still succeed. It is important to remember that being strong does not mean you don’t need support. Sharing our unique experiences can help others understand and give hope, especially when it comes to preventing suicide.
This September, the Suicide Prevention, Awareness, and Recovery Coalition (SPARC) encourages you to embrace the belief that Hope Lives Here. Even in moments of despair, we can uncover hope within our community’s dedication to fostering connections, our neighbors’ acts of kindness, and our friends’ attentive ears. Hope is nurtured when we come together to celebrate life’s moments of joy, laughter, and friendship.
Join us in changing the conversation around suicide from one of silence and stigma to one of compassion, openness, and support. Discover hope this month by participating in our September Search, joining Community Conversations, or uniting with others at the Walk for Hope on September 29th in Telluride.
To find more resources on changing the conversation around suicide, visit the International Association for Suicide Prevention and explore Real Convo guides from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Together, let’s nurture hope and illuminate the path toward a more understanding and supportive society.
Explore the hope in our community by completing a September Search Card for a chance to win one of four $50 Amazon gift cards. Rediscover the resilient spirit that unites us and take part in this exciting opportunity to win!
Click Image for an English or Spanish Card.