Every May, communities around the world observe Mental Health Awareness Month, a month dedicated to raising awareness about mental and behavioral health issues and advocating for support and resources for those affected. This annual observance plays a pivotal role in fostering understanding, breaking down stigma, and promoting access to mental health care services. Aligning with Mental Health America (MHA) in their mission to raise awareness, provide resources, and foster understanding surrounding mental health issues, Tri-County Health Network recognizes and supports Mental Health Awareness Month during the month of May and throughout the year.
In This Article
(Click the links below to jump to each section)
What is Mental Health Awareness Month?
Light Up for May
Be Seen in Green
How Can You Prioritize Mental Health?
Mental Health Awareness Month Events & Activities
Mental Health Resources
What is Mental Health Awareness Month?

Mental Health Awareness Month holds significant importance, as it serves as a beacon of awareness and advocacy for the millions affected by mental health conditions each year. Established in 1949 by Mental Health America, this annual observance has grown to engage millions through various initiatives, including media campaigns, events, resources, and screenings.
One of the primary objectives of Mental Health Awareness Month is to dismantle the stigma surrounding mental illness. Despite significant progress in recent years, misconceptions and prejudices persist, often preventing individuals from seeking help or speaking openly about their struggles. This stigma can have devastating consequences, contributing to feelings of shame, isolation, and reluctance to pursue treatment.
Light Up for May

With a vibrant display of solidarity, Tri-County Health Network encourages local businesses, organizations and governments to illuminate their buildings with green lights throughout the month of May. By lighting up buildings with green, businesses become visible allies in the fight to destigmatize mental health and promote understanding.
Why green? Green, the official color for mental health awareness, symbolizes renewal, hope, and vitality. This symbolic gesture not only visually demonstrates support for mental health awareness but also serves as a beacon of hope and solidarity for individuals and communities affected by mental health conditions. This initiative not only fosters a sense of unity within the community but also sparks important conversations about mental health and the importance of support and advocacy.
Be Seen in Green

In addition to participating in our “Light Up for May” challenge, Tri-County Health Network encourages individuals and our communities to join us in showing support for mental health by participating in our “Be Seen in Green” challenge. It’s more than just a fashion statement; it’s a call to action, a symbol of solidarity, and a testament to the collective power of communities coming together in support of mental health.
We aim to ignite conversations, break down stigma, and promote understanding surrounding mental health issues. By joining our “Be Seen in Green” challenge, you’re not just wearing a color; you’re standing up for mental health, making a difference, and fostering a brighter tomorrow. This year, Tri-County Health Network has dedicated Thursday, May 16, 2024 as “Be Seen in Green” day.
How can you prioritize mental health?
One key aspect of Mental Health Awareness Month is the promotion of self-care and wellness strategies. Mental health is not solely about managing illness; it also encompasses practices that promote resilience, well-being, and fulfillment. During Mental Health Awareness Month, Tri-County Health Network encourages individuals to prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, mindfulness, creative expression, and connection with supportive relationships.
Below is a calendar of steps you can take each day to prioritize your own mental health:

Interested in participating in activities and events revolving around mental health this month? Check out the list below:
Light Up For May!: Month of May
Tri-County Health Network is shining a light on Mental Health Awareness in our communities during the month of May. As the official color for mental health awareness, green represents renewal, hope, and vitality. We are asking businesses, organizations and governments to light up their building with green lights! Contact us for more information.
San Miguel, Montrose, Ouray, Delta, Gunnison & Hinsdale Counties
Community Conversations Harm Reduction: Wednesday, May 8, 5:00 – 7:00 pm
This space is a welcoming and supportive community where members can openly converse with one another in a warm and nurturing environment. Bilingual translation will be available.
Wilkinson Public Library, Telluride
Food will be provided at 5 pm.
Be Seen in Green: May 16
In addition to participating in our “Light Up for May” challenge, Tri-County Health Network encourages individuals and our communities to join us in showing support for mental health by participating in our “Be Seen in Green” challenge. It’s more than just a fashion statement; it’s a call to action, a symbol of solidarity, and a testament to the collective power of communities coming together in support of mental health.
Breaking News and Boundaries: Thursday, May 9, 5:30-7:00 pm
Breaking Bread and Boundaries brings people together to build compassion and understanding over a shared meal and storytelling. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and our topic is Community Building, Kindness, and Belonging: A Wholistic Approach to Conflict and Trauma.
Delta Public Library Conference Room, 124 E 6th Street.
QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer): Wednesday, May 15, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
QPR is a 1.5 hour gatekeeper training teaching attendees how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis then question, persuade, and refer someone to help. Similar to CPR, QPR is an emergency mental health intervention intended to interrupt the crisis and direct the individual to proper care.
Be Seen In Green!: Thursday, May 16, All Day
Wear Green! This May, you’re not just wearing a color, you’re shining a light of hope and support on mental health for millions.
Telluride at Wilkinson Public Library
La cena está incluida
Medication Dropoff Day: Thursday, May 16, 11:00 am-2:00 pm
As part of Mental Health Awareness Month, clean out any old items that may no longer serve you, including old medications! Drop off & dispose of old medications. Tri-County Health Network and San Miguel Public Health will have a table with harm reduction resources at the disposal box.
Telluride Marshal’s Office, 134 S. Spruce Street.
Adult Mental Health First Aid Class: Wednesday, May 21, 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Be prepared to support those around you by getting certified in Mental Health First Aid. Mental Health First Aid teaches the skills needed to recognize and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges, as well as how to provide someone with initial support until they are connected with appropriate professional help. In the course, you learn risk factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, strategies to help someone in both crisis and noncrisis situations, and where to turn for help.
Free Online Class
Registration is Required to Attend
Mental Health Art Walk: Thursday, May 24, 5:00-8:00 pm
Participating venues around the Town of Telluride.
COMET Training: Wednesday, May 29, 5:00-7:00 pm
Recognizing that mental health functions on a spectrum, COMET™ (Changing Our Mental and Emotional Trajectory) teaches people how to intervene when they encounter someone who is in a “vulnerable space” and help shift the person’s mental health trajectory back to a place of wellness instead of proceeding towards a mental health crisis. COMET aligns with rural cultural values of neighbor helping neighbor and communities being their own best resource. COMET empowers friends and neighbors to be more prepared to support others’ mental health needs – especially before a crisis. COMET does not to ask community members to “be the fix.” Rather, the program trains community members how to initiate a supportive interaction for a potentially emotional conversation using a simple, conversational seven-question guide.
Ouray County 4H Events Center & Fairgrounds Dinner is provided!
Entrenamiento COME: Miércoles, Mayo 29, 5:00-7:00 pm
Reconociendo que la salud mental funciona en un espectro, COMET™ (Cambiar nuestra trayectoria mental y emocional) enseña a la gente cómo intervenir cuando se encuentran con alguien que está en un “espacio vulnerable” y ayudar a cambiar la trayectoria de la salud mental de la persona de nuevo a un lugar de bienestar en lugar de proceder hacia una crisis de salud mental. COMET está en consonancia con los valores culturales rurales de ayudar al prójimo y de que las comunidades sean su mejor recurso. COMET capacita a amigos y vecinos para estar más preparados para apoyar las necesidades de salud mental de otros, especialmente antes de una crisis. COMET no pide a los miembros de la comunidad que “sean el remedio”. Más bien, el programa forma a los miembros de la comunidad sobre cómo iniciar una interacción de apoyo para una conversación potencialmente emocional utilizando una sencilla guía conversacional de siete preguntas.
Wilkinson Public Library
Mental health resources and information
– Mental Health America. (n.d.). Mental Health Month