Home-Delivered Meals in Telluride, Mountain Village and Placerville
TCHNetwork is coordinating home-delivered meals in Telluride for people who are over the age of 60 or under 60 with a disability or a chronic condition in partnership with San Miguel Social Services, Region 10 and La Cocina de Luz.
If you’re interested in receiving meals, please click here.
The Rules
- Available in Telluride to Mountain Village to Placerville
- There is no charge for the meals.
- Meals will be delivered M-W-F around noon.
- We can deliver one-meal per person in the household.
- We will not be taking requests for dietary restrictions at this time.
- There will be no contact when delivering the meals. Volunteers will leave the meal outside your home and you will be responsible for bringing it inside.
- Meals will start Wednesday, April 15th.
- New Meal requests received will start the following Monday.
- All new requests need to be received by noon the Friday before the Monday start date.
All new requests need to be submitted by noon on Friday, to start the following Monday.
When completing the COVID-19 Help Request Form, in the: “What additional assistance…” box please add you are requesting home-delivered meals. Please also add anything we need to know for delivery. For example, is there a specific door you’d like the volunteer to leave the meal on? A gate? Something else?
If there are two people in the home we need a form for both people.
If you need volunteer support in addition to meal delivery, please include that in the form, as well. We will do our best to provide services!
Professionals: If you have a client/patient who meets the criteria of over 60 or under with a disability or chronic condition, please call your client and verify with them they need meals. If they would like to receive home-delivered meals, please have the client complete the online COVID-19 Help Request Form or, if they cannot complete the form on their own, please call the client and walk through the questions with them. When you or your client completes the COVID-19 Help Request Form, in the: “What additional assistance…” box they must add you are requesting home-delivered meals on behalf of the client. To complete the form please click here.
If there are two people in the home we need a form for both people.
Please Note: The Home Delivered Meals are only available during the COVID-19 Social Distancing and will discontinue once the Social Distancing restrictions are lifted.